WorkTrakkerPRO Demo 5
Keeping the user notified of progress.
DEMO 5: Automatically notify the person who reported the problem of each step in this process.
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In each step of the WorkTrakkerPRO process, the person who originally reported the problem is sent an email informing them of the progress made in getting their problem solved. These progress reports contain links to email both the maintenance person working on the problem, and the administrator of the WorkTrakkerPRO service, in case the person reporting the problem wishes to follow up on work done to solve the problem, or inquire as to the progress (or lack thereof) in solving their problem.

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Problem Report Updated
This details the work done on the problem report you submitted. The problem report submitted on 1/24/2003 has been updated. The technician's report is shown below.
Status: Problem solved
To e-mail the tech coordinator click here.
To e-mail the technician click here.
Information regarding problem report #1036-1-24-2003
Reported By: John Sim
Priority: Normal
Date: 1/24/2003
Time: 1:45 PM
Building: Research Building
Problem Type: Lighting
Description of problem
Bulb burned out.
Need replacements for three overhead lights.
Current work done on problem
Tech: Bob Handyman
Date: 2/3/2003
Start Time: 9:44 AM
End Time: 10:10 PM
Three bulbs replaced, ballast replaced in same units.

Don't have enough ballasts on hand for full replacement, will need 16.
Please order, model 32-161A.
Work History to date:
Tech: John Sim
Date: 1/28/2003
Start Time: 1:12 PM
End Time: 1:12 PM
Problem report assigned to Bob.

Check ballast in fluorescent lights, too, I think they are more than a year old.
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